Tuesday, 6 October 2015

You should've got out of the red In the red you're better off dead Deader than the red dead sea

What's that sound? Oh its only Rosie screaming silently that she doesn't understand what she's doing on this planet earth! But don't worry, that's just something every young existentialist goes through time to time.

Yeah so I'm going a bit mad at the moment, just the stress of doing what I've found out is a freaking crazy full on degree. If anyone tells you Fashion is an easy choice for a course they're lying it's a lie don't ever trust them again. I honestly get so annoyed when I see smarmy Buzzfeed articles about how students spend all day doing nothing, wasting their student loan and going in twice a week for an hour long lecture. I wish I could spend my day doing nothing! 
My week is so jam packed I have three days of full on tutorials/workshop/practical lessons and the other two are are always packed as well, It's so fast moving I'm onto my third sketchbook already and It's only been two weeks! Despite the monumental workload, I'm still really loving it and getting to live in such a lovely city is the most amazing thing, I realised earlier that I haven't cried since I moved here and that's such a huge thing for me. 

On the downside I caught a bad case of Fresher's Flu, so much so that my mum had to come pick me up over the weekend because I was too ill to catch a train. Despite being ill it was heavenly to sit at home with a cat on my lap while someone else provided proper home cooked food. And to have acess to a printer and scanner so I could finally get in some scans of my journal that I've been working through in the very precious spare moments I have nothing to do, usually as I'm waiting for some other piece of work to dry.

From a really weird dream I had on my first night of university that freaked me out proper.


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