I know I've been a bit distant recently but I've been super busy with the end the uni's Christmas term and getting my photography work completed. To celebrate the end of term, and all my work, I went up to visit my friend Niamh in London for the weekend, and to help her pack all of her stuff to return home.
Also yay for all of my friends who are coming home for Christmas.
Waiting on the tube to Camden and me waiting for the bus to take me up to London. For some reason it wouldn't let me switch them round to the correct chronological order.
Somerset House, we decided to try and be cultured and saw the Egon Sheile exhibit, which is like insanely good and everyone should see.
The Fourtnam and Mason Christmas tree outside the ice rink
Messing about in the photo booth at the Camden Urban Outfitters and chip cones by Camden Locke
Liberties is like the prettiest store in the world, if you want to visit Harrods, don't, visit Liberties instead, its like Harrods without all the crap and much prettier designs.
A stunning morning view on the day we left
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