Thursday 4 June 2015

Being surrounded by water must be some kind of therapy

I finally finished everything!

All the work for my final project and the things for my exhibition are finally over! No more worry, no more stress, no more desperately trying to write out comprehensible annotations at two in the morning. I finally handed everything in with all my paperwork and with eight checks through my sketch books to make sure I hadn't left anything out, it's all over and I feel so relieved.

And I admit, I did hand it yesterday and I've just been lying in bed since then, occasionally going out to buy chocolate and iced tea fusion drinks, but mostly just alternating between watching Steven Universe and watching Arrested Development, two shows I've become obsessed with ever since I got through the majority of the first season of Sailor Moon. It's difficult, the amount of work I put in, the endless evaluations and notes, constantly feeling like I had missed that time sheet, the sleepless nights (or the ones in which I do sleep and dream about missing work and wake up with my hand drawing against my duvet. I don't really feel just tired, even though I am painfully tired, I just feel drained, like every last drop has gone and I need something to fill myself back up with, not just with sleep to recharge. 

Something that's been really comforting is water. I've spent a lot of time floating in the upstairs bath tub which weirdly we never use, enjoying the sanctuary and relaxing lighting and bath bombs. While I'm not a 'bath person' , nor am I a 'shower person' because 'hey its just washing I'd be fine with whatever water splashes me', I've found a lot of comfort in the feeling of being submerged by water. While I don't want to drown I wish there was a way being able to just throw your head under the water and swim around in your bath tub for a while. I think in a very real sense I would like to be a mermaid small enough to paddle round swimming pools and little ponds and rock pools, just existing for a while. 



  1. Ah, glad the stress is over! Hope you're enjoying your time off, now that there's less work to do! :) xoxo

  2. I feel this so much- I feel like I could sleep as much as I wanted and still be exhausted. Love the bath pictures, they remind me of the patterns the sun used to make on the floor of my swimming pool:)
