My deadline is over!
Well not technically, I still have loads of work to finish before my exhibition, but I finally got my final piece 99% finished and I can wing the rest of my sketchbook before then. I'm so super stoked to have an exhibition, we never had them for any of the art work at my school, except for open-days that only parents would see and my teachers would set up so they don't count.
It's going to be super cool and I'm planning to take a hella lot of photos.
Speaking of photos, what a good segway, I got more photos developed, this time from the digital film camera my mamgu (Gran) left me when she died. It's a really sweet feeling, like she's still here and it was lovely to find some of the photos she took of me last summer, even if I look awful.
Most of these photos were taken on my trip to Amsterdam, wandering up the mountain with friends from uni, and messing about in my garden. As I only have analogue film cameras (woe is me) I usually spend a lot of time hoping that they will turn out good, or at least half way decent. While getting the right aperture and shutter speed are super important, sometimes it feels like it can take away the fun of snapping up photos on the go. With this digital, that works similar to a disposable, there are three settings, auto flash, red eye reduction or no flash, which means I can shoot to my hearts content, it also has auto focus so I can take selfies without my face being blurred into obscurity.
Wonderfully colourful wooden tulips and magical very real cacti, or cactusesses as I prefer to say. From the flower market in Amsterdam
The royal palace and the ethereal beings of my maybe favourite place in the world - Warterlooplien vintage market. God I want to be back there.
My friend Eva on our quest to find the promise lands - Electric Ladyland. Which unfortunately we couldn't find but saw loads of cats on along the way.
Photos from my garden including a photo I'd hyped up in my head, thinking you'd see my reflection properly but its only faint.
A lovely photo I took of our DJ at the northern soul night I went to who let me take a photo of him. It kinda makes me miss all the dancing and laughing and cool records.
Not particularly flattering, but still pretty cool selfies that I surprisingly don't hate
Ages ago me and some friends from uni decided to walk up the mountain opposite from the mountain our uni sits on. Yes going to university in the valleys means you're never far from a mountain. Of course we didn't walk the whole way up, just about half way to take photos in the little park/field-y bit. We also saw the house of the guy who first invented cremation, who was this crazy druid guy who walked round naked all the time or something. Fast times in the valleys
Including my swishy Morrisey coat that makes me want to swish round looking moody once again.
Love these photos and good luck with the exhibition! xoxo
Thank you!
These photos are absolutely gorgeous :) I loved the colours in the second one!
thank you! they were very magical!