Monday, 27 October 2014

I can't believe the turnout

Yes the time comes once again for me to change the layout of my blog, I was really bored by the previous design and I'm still not done changing it, I need my brother to help with the html a little. The background photo was taken at reading and I wanted a newer colour scheme to make this winter a little less bleak. I've been reading through Maya's blog which is forever an inspiration art and clothes wise and I'm finally coming out of the fashion rut I've been stuck in. I've been rifling through my wardrobe for more interesting clothes to wear, ones I've bought but never thought about wearing or worry that they look too 'quirky' for everyday wear.

These photo's were taken a few weeks ago, I was playing round with the flash on my camera, sticking bits of paper over the bulb and when I was taking off my makeup the other night I found the flower crown I was wearing to keep my hair back matched my shirt. Sorry for the bare face but I'm starting to take my makeup off earlier rather than 5 mins before I go to sleep.

~ Flower Crown - DIY ~ Mickey Sweatshirt - Charity Shop ~ Jeans - H&M ~ 

This isn't my best set of photos, I hate the way my room looks so green and I'm completely washed out, but its a start into what will hopefully be a new style of posts


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