Art Update
So my Art A-level final piece is nearly close to being half way finished, it's to be finished by friday and I'm kinda scared that I'm not going to get it done but I;'m struggling through it.
As this is what has been taking over my life for the last few days I thought I would show the progress I've made over the last week.
We've been given twelve hours to complete the final piece and I'm probably in my tenth hour so far but my teacher hasn't really been keeping track of how many hours I spend working on it so hopefully I can sneak in a few more hours tomorrow.
Our exam title was growth and evolution and I decided on the theme texture in nature as I'm really getting into textiles artists of late and its been kinda fun getting to work with a title that allows me to get a little more physical with my work. My final piece has been a lot of guesswork and changing my ideas a lot throughout the process. Originally I was going to cut it up into sections and do a different technique on each but then I started working with creating a disease or infection on the wood out of beads and other man made decorative craft things. It was inspired by artists that merge the gross with the sweet to create really interesting art pieces.
I'm thinking of linking it to deforestation and man's effect on the growth and evolution of nature as I think this will get me some extra marks in my book if I actually do it in time.
This was the tree trunk/section pre-art with an appearance from my ugly school shoes. It was actually supposed to be the plaque us lucky few leaving the school this year are supposed to sign but our senior team had a problem with it or something.
This was what it looked like three days after I first started working on it, when I had finished the carving and most of the 'infection' around the split in the trunk. This was the day I crashed and burned from all of the stress.
The section around the split is probably my favorite even after adding more to the piece, I think the crusty raised texture is just really fascinating to look at and running your fingers over it is so satisfying you wont believe it.
This section was done today and an hour yesterday, I managed to cover a pretty big section of the trunk and while I'm not too keen on it I still think it's pretty cool.
The whole thing with my school shoes once again, I had to climb onto the fairly unstable stools in the class room.
A close up of the split with some added bling on it, I still need to finish the insides but hopefully there will be no more iridescence after tomorrow, I really don't think I can make it.
Peace out y'all.
What? No I haven't been watching Olsen sisters movies all day to de-stress me.
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