Thursday, 29 May 2014

Favourite app and photos

I went through some of my edited photos on my phone and thought I'd share some of the better photos and tell you about my favorite app VSCO Cam. 

It's this great photo editing app that I use for a lot of my photo's and most of my instagram photos. I used to be a Pixlr Editor girl for so long, the incredible vintage overlays drew me in, but I downloaded the app after seeing some cool tumblr photo blogs suggest it and I've never looked back. 

It comes with these beautiful filters and you have loads of control over what you want in you photo.
Want one of the filters contrast quality but not the color? Just reduce the saturation in the editing section.
It also has some cute colour overlay things that just effect the highlights or the shadows, I cant really explain it well I just like them. 

Arctic Monkeys crowd in October
I've always liked this photo despite not seeing the stage 

The samples for my art project

Fancy ass selfie with an orange theme
It's a spaghetti strap I'm not just in a bra

The church hall on election day
Aka the first time I voted

The pretty pretty pier
Looking all cute with its fancy silver roof

Cute over filtered selfie
When I was playing in a changing room

My Dad in a down pour

Foggy days are great for photography
Not great for easily frizzed hair.

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