Wednesday, 14 May 2014

One down, two left standing. Or an abundance of webcam pictures

I finish my first exam!
*confetti cannons blow and I start running round waving those football clacker things*

My resit for Textiles AS was this morning and I am so glad its over. Over! No more crying because I don't know how to fill in the boxes properly. 

Well until my next exam.... 

But they're not for ages! 

For the next two weeks I get to relax and revise. And relax. And revise. 
But it also means I can post with a bit more regularity, is that the right word? 

So here's some of the webcam pictures I took during my revision breaks 

Me showing off my side pony
And here Rosie is modeling the Urban Outfitters pastel velvet blue scrunchie that she found in the sale bin
Sassy Grandma Glasses
Oh look I'm doing work... The camera just went off I swear...
Selfie in the dark, so artistic....
I have no idea what this is, pajama selfie?
Looking fresh to death. Or close to death. You choose.
Ooh, hello their revision.
Well as you can see I defiantly had fun 


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